Agreements with enemy countries for the exchange of officials and non-officials 1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. i, pp. 285449.

[80] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

125.0051/411a: Telegram

[81] The Secretary of State to the Swiss Chargé (Feer)

740.00115 European War 1939/7127

[82] The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

740.00115 European War 1939/7127: Circular telegram

[83] The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

740.00115 European War 1939/7558: Telegram

[84] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

740.00115 European War (1939)/7558: Telegram

[85] The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

125.9543/205: Telegram

[86] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

740.00115 European War 1939/7127: Telegram

[87] The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State

740.00115 European War 1939/7690: Telegram

[88] The Swiss Chargé (Feer) to the Secretary of State

740.00115 European War 1939/7874

[89] The Secretary of State to the Swiss Minister (Bruggmann)

740.00115 European War 1939/7874

[90] The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

740.00115 European War 1939/7127: Circular telegram