740.00115 European War 1939/7127: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

2826. Approximately two months have elapsed since Department replied to communication dated July 28 from Swiss Legation Washington concerning German Government’s counter proposal for exchange of American official groups at Baden Baden and Gödesberg as set forth in Department’s 2366 of September 27.45 While various bits of information reaching the Department indicate that a favorable German reply may be in the making, other circumstances lead the Department to believe that the Germans may not wish to effect an exchange and are purposely resorting to delaying tactics.

Naturally, the Department wishes to do everything possible to expedite this exchange, but as each concession in the past has resulted in further German exactions (Department’s 2748, November 8, 6 p.m.), the Department fears that even a show of anxiety on its part regarding the slowness of the German reply might be interpreted by the Germans as an indication that if they hold out we will eventually meet even more disproportionate demands. The Department would accordingly be grateful for any suggestions that you can give it concerning what it might do to hasten matters. You are authorized in your discretion to discuss the situation confidentially with the appropriate official of the Swiss Foreign Office.

An urgent reply by telegraph will be appreciated.

  1. See footnote 37, p. 107.