740.00115 European War 1939/7690: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Harrison) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 21—3:17 a.m.]
7307. American interests Germany, Baden Baden and Gödesberg groups. Your 2826, November 16. Existing situation discussed confidentially with De Pury and Bisang46 who stated that Soldati just returned to Bern from Berlin advised by German Foreign Office official immediately prior his departure whole exchange question now being examined and reply in preparation.
D[e Pury] and B[isang] believe matters might possibly be expedited if Department communicated some reply to the German memorandum of July 31 (see Department’s 2753, November 8) regarding exchange of three German civilians for three former employees of our Consulate at Tunis. They also said Soldati had been asked orally by German Foreign Office official shortly before he left Berlin regarding identity and why not includable in exchange of 37 Germans mentioned your 2748, November 8.
(Department?) [De Pury] and B[isang] declared that according Swiss Legation, Berlin, all exchange proposals require final approval Von Ribbentrop and Hitler and they believe this may have delayed matters. They nevertheless express personal view German reply may be anticipated relatively near future, and exchange may be consummated at least end February since they believe Germans anxious complete exchange.
In view foregoing I have nothing to suggest to hasten matters except possibly an answer to German memorandum July 31 affecting employees Tunis Consulate and 37 Germans mentioned your 2748.
- Arthur De Pury and Emile Bisang, officials in the Swiss Federal Political Department.↩