Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

President Roosevelt to Generalissimo Chiang1


Personal and secret from the President to the Generalissimo.

We hope to be able to launch heavy bombing attacks upon vital Japanese homeland objectives considerably earlier than previously seemed possible.

[Page 173]

To accomplish this will require five long-range bomber airfields, for the new and very powerful planes, with limited housing facilities, in the general Chengtu area in the construction of which we need your close support to ensure their readiness by the end of March 1944.

We can supply the technical engineering supervision but must rely on you to provide the necessary labor and materials so as not to draw on the air supply line.

I will undertake to make available the necessary funds through Lend-Lease appropriations, if that will expedite and ensure the completion of the work on the desired schedule.

I am personally convinced we can deal the Jap a truly crippling blow, so close to both our hearts, by this sudden, surprise attack.

  1. Sent to the American Military Mission to China via Army channels, as War Department telegram 3811 to the Mission.