Leahy Papers
The Presidents Chief of Staff (Leahy) to the President
Memorandum for the President:
Subject: Russian request for delivery of Italian surrendered naval and merchant ships.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have considered the message from the Secretary of State of 3 November 19431 relative to the transfer of surrendered Italian naval and merchant ships to the Soviets.
Since the U. S. S. R. has accepted Italy as a co-belligerent, the Joint Chiefs of Staff feel that no Italian naval and merchant ships should be turned over to the Soviets by a transfer of ownership and registry. They consider, however, that the use of Italian vessels by the Soviets in furtherance of the war effort is acceptable, provided there is no transfer of title.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff recommend, therefore, that those Italian naval and merchant ships requested by the Soviet Government for use in furtherance of the war effort be made available for use by the Soviets without transfer of title.
Admiral, U. S. Navy,
Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy.