Roosevelt Papers: Telegram
President Roosevelt to Prime Minister Churchill1
Personal and secret from the President to the Former Naval Person. Number 417.
We have under development a project whereby we can strike a heavy blow at our enemy in the Pacific early next year with our new heavy bombers. Japanese military, naval and shipping strength is dependent upon the steel industry which is strained to the limit. Half of the coke for that steel can be reached and destroyed by long-range bombers operating from bases in the Chengtu area of China. The bombers can supply themselves by air, from bases to be constructed near Calcutta, without disturbing present air lift commitments as agreed at Quadrant.
In order to expedite this project I ask that you arrange for the Government of India to render every possible assistance in the construction of these four air bases for long-range bombers. American Aviation Engineer forces, under a capable general officer, are being prepared for movement as a matter of first priority, so that we may contribute experienced construction personnel to this enterprise without drawing on similar forces in India which are now engaged in other operations. Mountbatten is familiar with this project.
I am sending a similar message to the Generalissimo asking him to expedite construction of five advanced bases in the Chengtu area, financed by Lend-Lease funds.2
This is a bold but entirely feasible project. Together by this operation, we can partially cripple the Japanese naval and military power and hasten the victory of our forces in Asia.