A. Correspondence, drafts, and proposals1

1. See also Grace Tully, F. D. R., My Boss (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1949), p. 270, for a personal letter of November 26, 1943, from Roosevelt to Grace Tully referring briefly to his role (“that of peacemaker”) at the Conference.

[310] Memorandum by the United States Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[311] Memorandum by Prime Minister Churchill

Roosevelt Papers

[312] Note by the British Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[313] Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[314] The President’s Chief of Staff (Leahy) to the President

Roosevelt Papers

[315] Marshal Stalin to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[317] The Secretary of State to the President

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[320] Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[321] Memorandum by the Combined Chiefs of Staff.

J. C. S. Files

[323] Memorandum by the Combined Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[325] Memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff

J. C. S. Files

[327] The Director of War Mobilization (Byrnes) to the President

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[328] President Roosevelt to Marshal Stalin

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[329] The President to the Secretary of State

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[330] The President’s Personal Representative (Hurley) to the President

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[331] The President’s Personal Representative (Hurley) to the President

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[332] The President to the Minister in Egypt (Kirk)

Roosevelt Papers

[334] Madame Chiang to President Roosevelt

Roosevelt Papers

[337] The Director of War Mobilization (Byrnes) to the President

Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

[338] The Secretary of War (Stimson) to the Assistant Secretary of War (McCloy)

Defense Files: Telegram

  1. The source text is undated and bears no heading, but the text as given in Churchill, p. 338, is dated “25 Nov. 43” and bears the heading “Supreme Commander of All Operations Against Germany” and the subheading “Note by the Prime Minister and Minister of Defence”. Churchill, p. 338, indicates that this memorandum was written after, and was based upon, the memorandum by the British Chiefs of Staff written on November 25 and circulated on November 26, 1943, as C. C. S. 408/1, post, p. 424.