Roosevelt Papers: Telegram

The Director of War Mobilization (Byrnes) to the President1

For the President from Justice Byrnes

Francis Gibbs advises me that if immediately authorized, forty to fifty additional ships nearly identical with LCIL but having speed of twelve knots probably can be delivered within specified time by converting army cargo vessels under contract in Gulf intended for duty in MacArthur theatre. Could probably start deliveries within sixty days. If these ships are held not suitable for all functions of LCIL they can at least be substituted for non-combat duty of LCIL and LST releasing the latter. If you approve please wire me authority to proceed.2

  1. Sent by the White House Map Room, via military channels. The draft copy of the telegram in the O. W. M. Files is classified as secret.
  2. No reply specifically to this message has been found. See, however, Hopkins’ telegram of November 28, 1943, post, p. 617.