124.90H/65: Telegram
The Minister in Iran (Dreyfus) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 12—noon.]
64. Department’s No. 61, March 10. Afghan Ambassador has just communicated to me the following personal message from Minister for Foreign Affairs at Kabul.4
[Page 48]“When you were in Kabul I discussed with you the wishes of my Government concerning the opening of Legations and exchange of Ministers in order to strengthen relations between our countries. The views of my Government have remained unchanged. It is the usual practice in Afghanistan until a Legation is opened by a Minister not to give the privileges of opening a Legation and use of codes to a Military Attaché or other person.”
I have on several occasions explained to the Afghan Ambassador the legislative and other reasons which prevent the immediate assignment of an Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary but to no avail. Since the Afghans in spite of my explanations continue to view appointment of a Minister Resident as belittling the importance of Afghanistan, I am of the opinion that it would be harmful to pursue the matter further unless we are willing to accede to their request. I will, therefore, take no action pending further instructions.
- Ali Mohammed Khan.↩