124.90H/63: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Iran (Dreyfus)
61. The matter referred to in your no. 52, March 1, noon, has been discussed with the Turkish Ambassador, who is taking it up with the Afghan Government.
It was explained to the Turkish Ambassador that the appointment of an envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary would involve considerable delay because of necessary legislative procedures; whereas a Foreign Service officer can be appointed chargé d’affaires immediately. In view of recent developments in the Near and Far East and of the presence of an assistant military attaché in Kabul, it is essential that a legation be opened at Kabul as soon as possible. Thayer’s assignment was made because of the immediately unavailability of a higher-ranking officer; however, it is the Department’s intention to assign a high-ranking Foreign Service officer to assume charge at Kabul as soon as one can be returned from Europe. The appointment of a minister may then be considered at a later date.
Please convey the substance of the foregoing explanation to the Afghan Ambassador and again request him to endeavor to receive permission for Thayer to open the Legation at Kabul as a temporary measure.