800.24/349¹⁄₁₂a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Kirk)

410. Your 717, May 6, 9 a.m. Department reaffirms representation to be on Middle East Supply Centre. General Maxwell will receive further instructions from War Department.

American participation on Centre is by invitation of British authorities. Centre may expect specific instructions from London momentarily.

Little is known here about Council. From your cable 717 and earlier reports Department infers that Council is organ which defines broad operating policy of Centre and approves specific programs prepared by Centre. If this inference is reasonably accurate Department believes American representation on this governing board is desirable.

Advantage is being taken of our confusion between Council and Centre to suggest informally to British authorities here that United States representatives be invited to sit on Council as well as on Centre.

If you hear from Council regarding attendance at meeting scheduled May 10–13 you are authorized to handle at your discretion formal or informal representation from point of view of civilian requirements.

Department will cable shortly regarding representative coming from here. In meantime all available sources of information on Middle East Supply Centre are being investigated thoroughly.
