862.85/2017: Telegram

The Chargé in Costa Rica (Dwyre) to the Secretary of State


82. Referring to Department’s telegram No. 60, April 25, 5 p.m. the substance of which was conveyed verbally by me today to the President and his brother, the Minister of Government and Public Safety, who expressed gratification at the interest of our Government and the effort being made to find a plan to handle the situation. They are anxiously awaiting information as to any plan which the Government of the United States may be able to work out.

Referring to your telegram No. 61 of April 25, 6 p.m.,12 I was informed by the Minister of Government and Public Safety that the court procedure in this case is as follows:

There are three stages, the first known as investigation in which the judge receives the sworn statements of witnesses and defendants. This is limited to not exceeding 30 days but in the present instance this period is already closed and the case has entered the second stage during which not to exceed 50 days is permitted in which to submit and receive proofs. The case then passes the third stage of [omission?] or judgment which may be rendered at any time after reaching that state. The procedure of open trial as known in the United States is not followed under the laws of Costa Rica.

In the meantime an appeal may be made for the release of the prisoners under bond. In the present case such an appeal has been made and will be decided next week.

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  1. Not printed.