811.20 Defense (Wool)/310: Telegram

The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

411. Department’s telegram 226 of September 9. Our proposal was submitted to the Foreign Office in a note dated September 9 and shortly thereafter I had an opportunity to discuss it with Guani59 and the President.60 The latter’s immediate reaction was that while the proposal was interesting Uruguay’s commercial treaty with Japan might prove an obstacle. No reply has thus far been received from the Foreign Office. However, the Foreign Office expert handling the matter tells me confidentially that in his opinion the establishment of the export control system which we propose would be inconsistent with Uruguay’s commercial treaties with Japan and Sweden.61 He has in mind presumably the provisions of article 3 of both treaties for the texts of which see the Legation’s despatches 674 of July 17, 1934, and [Page 592] 322 of September 10, 1936.62 The official in question expressed himself as sympathetic to our proposal and suggested that some roundabout way might be found of placing it in effect such as for instance an agreement on the part of producers to sell only to the United States, other American Republics and the British Empire. Such an arrangement would hardly appear satisfactory. I shall report further as soon as a formal reply or any other information of interest is received.

  1. Alberto Guani, Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  2. Alfredo Baldomir.
  3. For text of treaty of commerce and navigation between Uruguay and Japan signed at Montevideo, May 10, 1934, see British and Foreign State Papers, vol. cxliv, p. 436; for text of convention on commerce and navigation between Uruguay and Sweden signed at Montevideo August 13, 1936, see League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. clxxxiii, p. 161.
  4. Neither printed.