611.3331/439: Telegram

The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State

584. Embassy’s telegram No. 577, December 24, 5 p.m.57 As regards the comment contained in the Uruguayan counterproposal with respect to automobiles, it may be noted that with the net duty on a Chevrolet weighing 1,380 kilos amounting to 633 Uruguayan pesos on the basis of the reduced rate offered in the Uruguayan counterproposal, it will be found that their contention that this amount of duty is equivalent to that imposed by Argentina is without foundation. As a matter of fact the Uruguayan duty charges would continue to be almost double those provided for in the Argentine agreement. It is therefore recommended that the Embassy be authorized to make a determined effort to obtain a greater reduction of duties on automobiles

  1. Not printed.