The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 21, 1942.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith two copies of a memorandum54 embodying the counter proposals of the Uruguayan Government with respect to Schedule 1 of the pending Trade Treaty, which has just been received. For obvious reasons it has been impossible to prepare a translation, but to avoid a delay, the copies are transmitted as received.
The original of this memorandum was submitted to us in a meeting held on December 5, 1941 between Dr. Guani, Foreign Minister, Señor Felipe S. Grucci, Director of the Section of Commercial Affairs of the Uruguayan Foreign Office, and representatives of the Embassy. The attached memorandum (Enclosure No. 2)54 embodying the substance of paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the Department’s telegram No. 324 dated November 27, 1941, 6 p.m., was handed the Foreign Minister at this meeting. It is believed that there is now virtual agreement on the general provisions, although no official communication has as yet been received. It was indicated, however, that the Uruguayan Government may be disposed to recede from the position taken in the second note transmitted to the Department as enclosure to despatch No. 270, dated November 5, 1941.
In order to expedite further negotiations, it is requested that the Embassy be authorized by telegraph to accept such of the counter proposals to Schedule 1 as may appear possible.
Respectfully yours,
First Secretary