Memorandum of Conversation, by the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
Dr. Carlos Concha41 called to see me this afternoon at his request. Dr. Concha said that he had been requested by Ambassador Freyre to let me know, in response to the inquiry I had made of the latter two days ago, that the Peruvian Government felt it wiser not to undertake any modification of its earlier decision with regard to the requisitioned airplanes, but to liquidate the matter as quickly as possible, and that he would consequently prefer to obtain full compensation for the airplanes requisitioned and not to have trainers as part compensation for the bombers.
I said that this Government would, consequently, act accordingly and that I trusted that the Peruvian Government would recognize the extreme efforts which this Government had made in a friendly manner to try and meet what it understood were the requirements of the Peruvian air force for a sufficient number of planes to train its pilots.
- Member of the Consultative Commission to the Peruvian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.↩