The Secretary of State to the Peruvian Ambassador (Freyre)
Excellency: With reference to Your Excellency’s note of October 6, 1941 regarding eighteen airplanes, Douglas model 8A–5, purchased by the Peruvian Government and in transit through the United States to Peru, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the War Department has found it necessary in the interests of national defense to requisition these airplanes. Appropriate steps are being taken in this respect under the authority of the Act of October 10, 1940 (Public No. 829—76th Congress)26 in conformity with procedure prescribed by Executive Order of the President, dated October 15, 194027
[Page 512]It is regretted that the Peruvian Government may have been inconvenienced by the requisitioning of these airplanes by this Government. I believe Your Excellency and Your Excellency’s Government will agree, however, that in the present critical world situation it is of vital interest to all of the American republics that such rapid and effective action be taken whenever necessary to utilize airplanes and other scarce implements of war to defend this continent in the ways that may be decided to be most advantageous strategically by those now engaged in that defense. With the rapidly expanding airplane production facilities of this country it will soon be possible to provide the other American republics with such aviation equipment as they may need for defense against non-American aggression. At this time it nevertheless continues to be necessary to exercise every precaution, and even such mandatory powers as those used in the present instance, to insure the complete mobility of the available mechanized equipment that is so essential for the protection of the American republics. I assure Your Excellency that the Government of the United States will of course continue fully to collaborate with Peru and the other American republics in all matters related to continental defense.
Accept [etc.]