823.796/158: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (Norweb)
59. The Department has considered carefully your despatches and telegrams on the aviation situation in Peru as well as report no. 16 of February 7, 1941 prepared by the Military Attaché.19
It now seems probable that priorities will be obtained for four small hydroplanes for the Faucett Airline for use to Iquitos and for other schedules, particularly in that section, as suggested in the report under reference from the Military Attaché. It also seems probable that this Government will be able to render financial assistance both for the purchase of these airplanes and for the improvement of landing fields and navigation facilities should such assistance be necessary. This assistance would be rendered, of course, for the purpose of preventing the penetration of non-American interests into Peruvian aviation and would be contingent on assurances that the Peruvian Government would not extend franchises to such elements.
The Department is gratified that the Peruvian Government has cancelled the Lufthansa franchise. It is understood that Panagra is duplicating this service and that it will therefore not be necessary to augment Panagra’s schedules for the time being. As you are no doubt aware, the present difficulty of obtaining airplanes and flight crews makes it necessary to allocate the few available where they will accomplish a definite purpose, principally the elimination of German influence or the extension of strategic lines.
The Department will appreciate receiving your further recommendations and the views of the Peruvian Government and Mr. Faucett concerning the assistance which this Government might render in the form of airplanes, flight personnel, improvement of landing fields and so forth. You should not, until receiving further instructions upon the basis of your subsequent reports, commit this Government in any way.
- Lt. Col. Uzal G. Ent; report No. 16 not printed.↩