810.20 Defense/1287: Telegram

The Minister in Paraguay (Frost) to the Secretary of State

127. Reference Department’s telegrams No. 75 and 76 August 13. After protracted Cabinet session Argaña this noon received me to inform [Page 479] me that the assurances from Washington regarding article 6 of the basic arms contract are accepted as satisfactory by the Paraguayan Government and that Dr. Soler is accordingly being authorized today by telegraph to sign contract ad referendum with such modification of article 6 as will in his judgment implement the assurances. The ad referendum contract will then be submitted to the Government here and if it is approved Soler will be furnished full powers to conclude it definitely.

This seems [to eliminate?] the advisability of an interview with President Morínigo at the present stage and I respectfully suggest it be deferred as a later recourse. Military Attaché Van Natta is of the opinion that the sending of American missions is not likely to cause difficulties.
