810.20 Defense/1836
The Honduran Minister for Foreign Affairs (Aguirre) to the American Minister in Honduras (Erwin)
Mr. Minister: I have the honor of acknowledging to Your Excellency the receipt of your courteous note No. 504 dated the 15th of the current month, with respect to that part in which you indicate that the resolution XV adopted at the Consultative Assembly of Habana, provides that in the case of an aggression “all the signatory nations or two or more of them, according to the circumstances, will proceed to negotiate the necessary complementary agreements to organize the cooperative methods of defense and the assistance which should be afforded one to another”; that the contingency foreseen in this Resolution has occurred and our two countries are now enveloped in a common effort to defeat the aggressor nations, for which reason the Government of Your Excellency desires to know if the Government of Honduras is disposed to initiate immediately a type of military cooperation which Your Excellency suggested in your note referred to before.
In answer I am pleased to inform Your Excellency that my Government with great pleasure will concede the privileges which are specified in the note to which I have referred before and in order to formalize the arrangement which is proposed, this Ministry in my charge, awaits from your Legation the communications, in writing, necessary for completing the exchange of notes which will establish the military cooperation which the Government of Honduras will give to the United States of America.
I take advantage of the opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the testimony of my highest esteem and distinguished consideration.
- Supplied by the editors.↩