821.24/146: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Colombia (Braden)
322. Your 435, September 26, 10 p.m. With regard to the question of a loan for military purposes, you mention in (b) under numbered [Page 33] paragraph 8 that the loan would be used in order that Colombia “may acquire sufficient equipment to enable her military and naval missions to function efficiently.” Section (e) under numbered paragraph 8 also is interpreted to refer to requirements for equipment. If this is the case the Department repeats that the Lend Lease program is the only way in which Colombia can secure early delivery of military and naval matériel from the United States. From the standpoint of acquiring war and naval matériel in a reasonable period of time, it is futile to continue to talk about any other procedure than the Lend Lease program.
Please inform the President that this Government will, of course, be glad to consider appropriate terms so that Colombia can secure under the Lend Lease agreement $6,000,000 of military and naval equipment. (It is, of course, obvious that this would mean Colombia would give up the opportunity of securing $10,200,000 of additional military and naval equipment under a Lend Lease agreement.)