837.51 Cooperation Program/126: Telegram

The Chargé in Cuba (Briggs) to the Secretary of State

140. Cortina and García Montes are delighted with the financial mission. Former making official announcement for publication local papers this afternoon.


[The American Technical Mission to Cuba filed four reports (none printed). The first report (837.51/2852), which was made in November 1941, dealt with some of the more immediate financial problems confronting the Cuban Government. The second report (837.51/2871), issued in April 1942, was concerned with the establishment of a central bank and the reconstituting of a stabilization fund. The third report (837.51A/66) appeared 2 months later. It was a commentary on a draft monetary law and dealt with the gold content of the peso, the purchase, ownership, and coinage of gold, etc. Draft banking legislation was the subject of the fourth report (837.51/2887), which was submitted in July 1942.]