The Cuban Ambassador (Concheso) to the Secretary of State
Excellency: In its note of June 13, 1940,6 this Embassy addressed Your Excellency and requested, in the name of its Government, the extension for another year of the reciprocal privilege for the military and naval aircraft of Cuba to fly over the territory of the United States and for the military and naval aircraft of the United States to fly over Cuban territory, in both cases without there being need of prior authorization, although each Government advises the other of the flights that are to be effected. Your Excellency was good enough to advise, in a note of June 18, 1940,6 that the Government of the United States acceded to the request with pleasure, also that, if it was satisfactory to the Government of Cuba, the note of this Embassy and Your Excellency’s reply would be considered sufficient for renewal, for the year ending on June 30, 1941, which proposal was accepted.
The said period being about to expire, I have the honor to address Your Excellency, in the name of my Government, to request that the agreement previously referred to be extended for another year, if Your Excellency’s Government has no objection thereto.
I avail myself [etc.]