862.85/2113: Telegram
The Chargé in Costa Rica (Dwyre) to the Secretary of State
[Received 4:26 p.m.]
128. Referring to my telegram No. 124 of May 28, 3 p.m. Luis Anderson called on me this morning and showed me a note received by the Minister for Foreign Affairs from the German Minister in Guatemala City, which had been given to Señor Anderson by Foreign Minister Echandi for study, comment and assistance in drafting a reply.
A free translation of the pertinent part of Minister Reinebeck’s note is as follows:
“In the name of and by special orders of the Government of the Reich, I protest in every form and in the most emphatic manner against the expulsion of the German seamen. At the same time I have received instructions to make known to Your Excellency that the Government of the Reich shall hold the Costa Rican Government responsible for all the consequences arising from this act. In view of the attitude shown by the Government of Costa Rica in this matter [Page 92] the Government of the Reich reserves, for the future, such action as might be opportune.”
I am having luncheon with the Foreign Minister today and shall bring up the subject and endeavor to obtain his reaction.