
The Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson) to the British Minister (Hall)

My Dear Mr. Hall: I have received your letter of July 30, 1941, stating that the Thai Government has under consideration the abandonment of a system of quotas for rubber and, instead, retaining an open market for rubber. You suggest that it is possible that if the American and British Governments were prepared to pay a preemptive price for rubber, it might be possible to obtain a part at least of the proposed allotment to Japan.

This Government is prepared to agree in principle to a program for joint preclusive buying of rubber in Thailand with your Government. I suggest that the Embassy send an officer to the Department to draw up plans which we can then submit to the interested departments of our respective Governments. If the plans are there approved it would be in order to send appropriate instructions to the American and British diplomatic representatives at Bangkok.

Sincerely yours,

Dean Acheson