Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1941, The Far East, Volume V

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1941, The Far East, Volume V
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuermberger
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- Southward Advance of Japanese Expansionist Movement:
(Documents 1–433)
- Chapter I: January–March, 1941 (Documents 1–119)
- Chapter II: April–July 3, 1941 (Documents 120–203)
- Chapter III: July 4–September 30, 1941 (Documents 204–315)
- Chapter IV: October 1–December 31, 1941 (Documents 316–433)
- Chapter I: January–March, 1941 (Documents 1–119)
- Repatriation of American Citizens From the Far East
(Documents 434–506)
- Undeclared War Between Japan and China: (Documents 507–995)
- Political and military developments
(Documents 507–596)
- Decision to withdraw United States Marines and Naval forces from China;
incomplete withdrawal before outbreak of war with Japan (Documents 597–624)
- Efforts by the United States to provide financial assistance and war
material for China
(Documents 625–815)
- Policy of the United States to relinquish by agreement extraterritorial
rights in China
(Documents 816–819)
- Japanese interference with American treaty rights and with equality of
commercial opportunity in China
(Documents 820–861)
- Efforts by the United States and other powers to protect Chinese customs
and other revenues, pledged as security for loans, from Japanese
(Documents 862–883)
- American interest in Japanese demands affecting the integrity of the
International Settlement at Shanghai
(Documents 884–943)
- Measures taken by the United States for the protection of American lives
and property in China resulting from hostilities between Japan and
(Documents 944–995)
- Political and military developments
(Documents 507–596)
- China
- Japan: (Documents 996–1010)
- Index