740.0011 European War 1939/11503: Telegram
The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received 6:15 p.m.]
2155. Following the High Command claim yesterday that the battle for Crete is nearing its conclusion, the press this morning for the first [Page 731] time discusses the strategic importance of that island for the further prosecution of the war in the Near East. Crete is described as a spring-board for air and sea attacks on Alexandria, Cyprus and Haifa and British newspapers are quoted to prove that London regards it as the key position in the whole struggle for Suez. The German public is thus being prepared for further developments in the Eastern Mediterranean region and is being given the impression that the Axis is well on its way to breaking the lifeline of the British Empire. British and American comments are also cited as emphasizing the significance of the Cretan campaign as a rehearsal for a possible later attempt to land in England. An effort is obviously being made to concentrate attention on Suez and apparently also to create the impression that the next major offensive operations will be in that theater.