Representations to the German Government with respect to its treatment of American motion picture interests in Germany and in German-occupied areas 27

27. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1940, vol. ii, pp. 668673.

[579] The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State

840.4061 Motion Pictures/120

[580] The American Embassy in Germany to the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs

840.4061 Motion Pictures/123

[581] The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State

840.4061 Motion Pictures/108: Telegram

[582] The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State

840.4061 Motion Pictures/135

[584] The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State

840.4061 Motion Pictures/182

[585] The Chargé in Germany (Morris) to the Secretary of State

840.4061 Motion Pictures/205

[586] Memorandum by Mr. James W. Riddleberger of the Division of European Affairs

840.4061 Motion Pictures/205