839.407/12: Telegram
The Minister in the Dominican Republic (Scotten) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:42 p.m.]
191. The ceremonies which took place today to celebrate the signing of the new convention and the return of Trujillo and which culminated in a parade of several thousand people were marked by a spirit of national pride at having terminated the 1924 Convention and also by a spirit of friendliness to and cooperation with the United States. As American Minister, I was given a prominent place at all the celebrations and in the parade mentioned above there marched a contingent of about 100 leading business men carrying our flag. As they approached the reviewing stand where I sat with Trujillo, both the Dominican and American national anthems were played.
In Trujillo’s address this morning before a joint session of Congress, he reviewed the importance to the Dominican Republic of the recovery of its sovereignty. He praised the facilities which had been given him in Washington and the interest shown by President Roosevelt and Secretary Hull in the negotiations.
He emphasized the special nature of the relations existing between the United States and the Dominican Republic on account of the situation of the latter on the route to the Panama Canal. He stated that due to this, the Dominican Republic forms a part of the group of countries which constitutes a strategic zone and will necessarily play a preponderant part in the defense of the continent. “Our cooperation in whatever manner may be necessary and useful to this end cannot be denied because we form part of the block of nations to which is confided in this grave historical moment the safeguard of traditional democracy.” He concluded by stating that “For the defense of the hemisphere and democratic traditions, the Dominican Republic is disposed to lend all its force in case the ambition for conquest which has been unchained in other continents brings war to these shores.”
Full report by mail.