Dispute between Guatemala and the United Kingdom regarding British Honduras (Belize)1

1. Continued from Foreign Relations, 1939, vol. v, pp. 173226.

[480] The Chargé in Guatemala (Cabot) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/103: Telegram

[483] The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Guatemala (Cabot)

714.44A15/103: Telegram

[484] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/112: Telegram

[485] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/113: Telegram

[487] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes)

714.44A15/112: Telegram

[488] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/115: Telegram

[489] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/117: Telegram

[492] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/133: Telegram

[493] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes)

714.44A15/133: Telegram

[495] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes)

714.44A15/136a: Telegram

[496] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/138: Telegram

[498] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/141: Telegram

[499] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes)

714.44A15/141: Telegram

[500] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Bullitt)

714.44A15/147: Telegram

[501] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/142: Telegram

[502] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)

714.44A15/142: Telegram

[503] Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State


[506] The Secretary of State to the Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes)

714.44A15/164: Telegram

[507] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/170: Telegram

[508] The Minister in Guatemala (Des Portes) to the Secretary of State

714.44A15/171: Telegram