- Cooperation among the American Republics in their reaction to the European
War: The defense of the Western Hemisphere: (Documents 1–236)
- I. United States policy toward the furnishing of arms to the other
American Republics (Documents 1–11)
- II. Consultations between the United States and the other American
Republics regarding defense measures: (Documents 12–236)
- General (Documents 12–18)
- Argentina (Documents 19–39)
- Bolivia (Documents 40–41)
- Brazil (Documents 42–59)
- Chile (Documents 60–72)
- Colombia (Documents 73–96)
- Costa Rica (Documents 97–112)
- Cuba (Documents 113–118)
- Dominican Republic (Documents 119–123)
- Ecuador (Documents 124–129)
- El Salvador (Documents 130–134)
- Guatemala (Documents 135–149)
- Haiti (Documents 150–162)
- Honduras (Documents 163–170)
- Mexico (Documents 171–182)
- Nicaragua (Documents 183–190)
- Paraguay (Documents 191–198)
- Peru (Documents 199–209)
- Uruguay (Documents 210–229)
- Venezuela (Documents 230–236)
- General (Documents 12–18)
- I. United States policy toward the furnishing of arms to the other
American Republics (Documents 1–11)
- Second Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the American Republics, held at
Habana July 21–30, 1940 (Documents 237–318)
- The Inter-American Neutrality Committee (Documents 319–426)
- Establishment of the Emergency Committee for the Provisional
Administration of European Colonies and Possessions in the Americas under
the Act of Habana (Documents 427–430)
- The Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee
- Unperfected convention for the establishment of an Inter-American Bank,
signed May 10, 1940 (Documents 431–432)
- Program proposed by the United States for Inter-American economic
cooperation (Documents 433–439)
- The Inter-American Development Commission (Documents 440–445)
- Inter-American Coffee Agreement, signed at Washington November 28,
1940 (Documents 446–469)
- Discussions regarding possible purchase by neutral interests of German
merchant ships which had taken refuge in Western Hemisphere ports (Documents 470–477)
- Participation of the United States in the Inter-American Maritime
Conference, held in Washington, November 25 to December 2, 1940 (Document 478)
- Convention between the United States and certain other American Republics to create an Inter-American Indian Institute
- Convention between the United States and other American Republics for nature protection and wildlife preservation in the Western Hemisphere
- Dispute between Guatemala and the United Kingdom regarding British
Honduras (Belize) (Documents 479–513)
- Boundary dispute between Honduras and Nicaragua (Documents 514–534)