The Under Secretary of State (Welles) to the Minister in the Dominican Republic (Scotten)
Dear Mr. Scotten: You will now have received with the Department’s instruction No. 368 of July 16, 19407 a copy of the Dominican note dated June 25, 1940, rejecting draft X of the proposed Convention between the two countries. The note reverts to the Dominican position taken in its note of December 18, 1939. That position is not acceptable in view of our commitments to the bondholders.
It has occurred to me that negotiations at Ciudad Trujillo in the near future might have a chance of success. Would you be good enough to sound out President Troncoso to learn whether he shares our interest in having the question of a new convention thrashed out to see whether some basis acceptable to the two Governments may not be reached.
You may say that if further negotiations are desired by the Dominican Government, I would favor sending two or more officers from the Department to Ciudad Trujillo to assist you in negotiating with a similar commission of Dominican officials.
Very sincerely yours,
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