837.51 Public Works Debt/333
The Ambassador in Cuba (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 8.]
Sir: Supplementing my despatch No. 623, of August 6, 1940,36 I have the honor to enclose a translation of President Laredo Brú’s message of August 3 to the Cuban Congress,36 urging that the Purdy & Henderson Company claim be included in the settlement of the public works debt.
It will be noted that the President admits that at the time of sending his earlier message he did not favor including the Purdy & Henderson Company in the proposed settlement. He says that, for “high and powerful reasons of public interest,” he now thinks this should be done, and recommends that the Purdy & Henderson Company claim be settled along with that of the holders of gold obligations.
It will be noted, also, that the President specifically recommends not that the Congress approve the settlement reached by the Cuban Government with the creditors and embodied in the Casanova bill, [Page 761] but that the amounts to be given to the creditors not exceed the amounts contained in the Casanova bill.
While the President’s attitude in this respect might well have been stronger and more definite, his message is considered to be a favorable development.
Respectfully yours,