837.51 Public Works Debt/298
The Ambassador in Cuba (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 1.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch No. 49 of March 19, 1940, with which I transmitted memoranda covering conversations with the Secretary of State, Dr. Campa, and with the President, Dr. Laredo Brú. In view of further information which came into my possession, I deemed it advisable to seek another conversation with the President, and was able to do so on March 25, 1940. There is transmitted herewith a memorandum of my conversation29 with him which [Page 750] is self-explanatory and which I believe the Department will find of interest.
Respectfully yours,
- Not printed. Ambassador Messersmith informed the Cuban President and Secretary of State of reported activities by certain persons to delay action in an effort to get some personal advantage from the settlement of the public works debt.↩