Permit me to express to you my best thanks for the cooperation which you
so generously gave toward achieving this settlement.
The Colombian Ambassador (Turbay) to the Secretary of the Treasury (Morgenthau)
Washington, February 6, 1940.
Dear Mr. Secretary: My Government has
authorized me to accept on its behalf the proposal which you
suggested at the conference held under your auspices, with Mr.
Traphagen as representative of the Foreign Bondholders Protective
Council, Inc., on Thursday, February 1st, and which I undertook to
recommend to my Government. The terms of this proposal are the
(1) Every effort will be made between now and the 15th of this month
to arrive at a permanent settlement of the direct dollar debt of the
Republic of Colombia.
(2) If, by the 15th of February, such a permanent settlement shall
not have been reached, my Government will apply $1,750,000 for the
service during the calendar year 1940, of the outstanding amount of
[Page 696]
$45.000.000 of the
Colombian Government dollar issues of 1927 and 1928, as follows:
To pay the 1940 coupons of
the two above issues at the rate of 3% a year |
$1,350.000 |
To apply to the purchase in
open market for amortization of bonds of said
issues |
400.000 |
(3) Approval by my Government of this temporary arrangement assumes
approval thereof by the Foreign Bondholders Protective Council, Inc.
and recommendation to the holders of the Bonds by the Council,
without any reservations.
I should add that my Government’s decision to accept this temporary
solution is made in appreciation of the helpful mediation which you
and other high officials of the Government of the United States have
offered, and in the hope that by these means the permanent
settlement of the debt will be brought sooner to realization.
My Government awaits the reply of the Council in order to work out
the details to give effect to this temporary settlement, in case
that proves to be necessary. It will be appreciated, therefore, if
you can send me as soon as it is convenient, the Council’s statement
on its decision.
Permit me [etc.]