810.20 Defense/1635/8a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery)
239. Department’s circular telegram July 11, 4 p.m.65 The proposed staff conversations between representatives of the United States Army and Navy and of the armies and navies of the other American republics are scheduled to take place at various times beginning around August 19. Lieutenant Colonel L. W. Miller, U. S. Army, and Captain A. T. Beauregard, U. S. Navy, have been designated respectively to represent the War and Navy Departments in the proposed staff conversations with Brazilian officials. You are authorized to inform them that they may begin their conversations at any time which is agreeable to the Brazilian authorities.
[Page 51]A separate telegram66 is being sent you outlining the agenda for the proposed conversations, which you may communicate in strictest confidence to the appropriate Brazilian authorities.