715.1715/1515: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Honduras (Cousins)
45. Your telegram no. 69, October 8, 4 p.m. You are instructed to inquire of the Minister for Foreign Affairs whether the Government of Honduras would consent to a joint survey if such a solution would also be acceptable to Nicaragua. This of course would be without prejudice to the mediation proceedings. If the Governments of Honduras and Nicaragua are both agreeable, you will be instructed to inform the Foreign Office of Nicaragua’s acceptance and to make a suggestion to the Governments to arrange through their regular channels for the appointment of qualified surveyors from each country. You may make it clear to the Foreign Office that your Government had in mind a joint survey made by Nicaragua and Honduras and that [Page 456] the appointment of a representative or surveyor by the Government of the United States was not contemplated.
You should inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs that the Department has also taken up this matter with the Government of Nicaragua in the same sense, and you may suggest to him that in the event that the two Governments are unable to agree on such a procedure, they might desire to enlist the cooperation of the Mediation Commission.
Repeated by the Department to Managua.