The Representative of the President (Corrigan) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 6.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that I called at 3:00 P.M. today on the President of Costa Rica, Licenciado León Cortés, who will finish his term on May 8, 1940. I thanked him for the cooperation which he has always given to the Mediation Commission and myself personally during the period of its sessions in San José. I extended to him our best wishes for his future happiness. The meeting was pleasant and cordial, and President Cortés in turn extended his greetings to the President of the United States and Secretary Hull.
Accompanied by Señor José Antonio García, Chief Clerk of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I called on the President-Elect of Costa Rica, Dr. Rafael Angel Calderón Guardia, at 4:00 P.M. today. After the usual exchange of amenities I indicated to Dr. Calderón Guardia the interest which we had regarding his attitude toward the work of the Mediation Commission. He assured me that his administration would continue to maintain the same interest that had so far been shown and would in every way cooperate with the Commission in its efforts to arrive at a definitive settlement of the question at issue. I indicated interest also in his ideas regarding the Costa Rican representation on the Commission and in this particular he gave as his opinion that it would be a mistake to effect any change in the present personnel and that he would prefer to have Licenciado Tobías Zúñiga Montúfar remain as Costa Rican representative on the Commission. After he had made this statement I asked him if I might then officially inform my Government that it was his desire and intention to maintain Mr. Zúñiga Montúfar on the Commission and he again assured me that it was. In our closing conversation Dr. Calderón Guardia expressed his great appreciation for the many courtesies and honors shown him during his recent visit to Washington, and also his profound admiration for the President of the United States and for Secretary Hull and Under-Secretary Welles, to all of whom he wished me to extend his personal regards.