810.20 Defense/582/6: Telegram
The Ambassador in Brazil (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:48 p.m.]
235. For the Under Secretary. Department’s 141, May 28, 3 p.m.58 Aranha talked in my presence on the telephone to the Minister of War: they will be glad to have Colonel Miller relieve Colonel Kimberley as chief of the American military mission here any time after his arrival in Rio de Janeiro. They will be glad to have the other members of the military mission remain here until the completion of their military commission in December.
Aranha says the Brazilian military authorities will be glad to carry on conversations with Colonel Miller under his and my auspices (as an extension of those hitherto carried on between General Góes Monteiro and General Marshall) regarding the various military matters of interest to the United States and Brazil.
However, as set forth in the second paragraph of my telegram No. 228, of May 4 [24], 5 p.m., Aranha says that Brazil will not be interested in discussing matters of continental security and continental self-defense as such; they are prepared to discuss only military matters interesting our respective countries. Aranha repeats also that the Brazilian Government will welcome Colonel Miller, but definitely does not want him to be accompanied by other “officers of the United States in civilian clothes” as set forth in the antepenultimate paragraph of the Department’s 131, May 23, noon.59
Aranha would favor participation if and when desired of the military and naval attaches of this Embassy and the American naval mission here.