
The Under Secretary of State (Welles) to President Roosevelt

My Dear Mr. President: Upon the receipt of your memorandum of April 15, written in reply to my letter to you of April 133 I wrote to Harry Hopkins asking if he would approve my recommendation to you of the names of Mr. Edward Noble, Under Secretary of Commerce, as the official member, and of Mr. G. W. Magalhaes, of the Westinghouse Electric Company, as the non-official member of the commission set up by the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee to encourage the establishment and development of enterprises of mixed United States and local ownership and management to stimulate production in the other American republics of non-competitive goods suitable for sale in United States markets.

I recommended the name of Mr. Magalhaes because of the fact that I knew him well when he was President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Cuba and because of my belief that he would be very well qualified to assist in this work.

I have today received a letter4 from Harry Hopkins saying that he is entirely in accord with my recommendation to you of these two appointments.

Will you let me know if these two new suggestions are satisfactory to you.5

Believe me

Faithfully yours,

Sumner Welles
  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. The letter carries the notation: “SW OK FDR.”