810.20 Defense/9–1440: Telegram
The Chargé in Argentina (Tuck) to the Secretary of State
[Received 2:44 p.m.]
412. For Under Secretary. Department’s 209, September 12, 3 p.m. Christian and Brereton expect to return to Buenos Aires on September 18. On their return, I intend to take up the matter of the proposed staff conversations informally and confidentially with the Minister for Foreign Affairs in person. In order to obviate any occasion for having to explain Brereton’s present absence, I shall not attempt to see Roca prior to September 18. In this connection, I request to be specifically informed whether, in the course of my proposed interview with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, I am authorized to state that staff conversations have taken place in Asuncion and are contemplated in Montevideo.
Captain Brereton informs me that he has received no orders from the Navy Department authorizing him to undertake staff talks with the Argentine Navy. Should the Argentine authorities indicate that they would prefer the senior member of the naval mission in preference to the Naval Attaché, I shall designate Captain Metz unless instructed to the contrary.
[Page 36]In the event that the Argentine authorities are disposed to agree to such informal staff conversations, our Legation at Montevideo will be immediately advised.