810.20 Defense/6–1940: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:28 p.m.]
238. Embassy’s telegram 228, June 15, 4 p.m. In discussing with the Minister for Foreign Affairs the memorandum which I recently submitted embodying questions on which we desired information regarding continental defense, I told the Minister that I felt sure that our Government appreciated fully the importance of some solution of the economic difficulties as part of the whole defense program. I added that I felt that if in considering the naval angle he and the [Page 33] President understood that we were giving, as I knew we were, equally earnest consideration to the economic side of the picture it would help then in proceeding more confidently to a study of the naval angle of defense.
I told Dr. Cantilo that if the President desired to see me I should welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter with him.
Yesterday’s radio bulletin contained the White House statement regarding inter-American economic cooperation along the lines of disposal of export surpluses, which information has been given wide and favorable publicity in the press.44
I should welcome receiving from the Department any further information which I might use in my talk with the President if arranged along the lines of the first paragraph of this telegram.