810.20 Defense/6–1540: Telegram
The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 16—9:48 p.m.]
228. For the Under Secretary. Reference your telegram 85, June 3, 3 p.m.42 and Embassy’s airmail despatch 774, of June 11, latter reporting first meeting with Argentine authorities. In discussing with the Minister for Foreign Affairs last night procedure regarding further conversations on common defense, Dr. Cantilo said he felt questions we raise involve government policy of so far-reaching and important a nature that these should first be discussed between Foreign Office and Embassy. When agreement reached on policy then he feels our respective naval authorities could discuss details regarding carrying out of these policies. Minister for Foreign Affairs therefore proposes that I submit to him concrete questions to which we desire replies. He will in the meantime study the whole matter in the light of general questions already submitted and probably hand me a memorandum setting forth the views and any suggestions of his Government.
In view of above, Captain Spears, in consultation with Naval Attaché and Captain Baker of Naval Mission is preparing memorandum embodying questions on which information desired, which memorandum I propose to submit to Cantilo.
As Captain Spears feels there will be nothing to be gained by remaining on here in view of Foreign Minister’s decision, apparently reached after discussion with Minister of Marine, who has shown far from helpful attitude, he is proceeding to Montevideo on June 19 returning here about June 23 before returning to the United States. This will enable him to discuss matter further with us or Government officials here if in meantime there are other developments.
Captain Spears requests Navy Department be informed of his plans.