833.51/900: Telegram

The Minister in Uruguay (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

83. My telegram No. 80, May 25.18 Guani19 today asked me to transmit the text of the following memorandum, prepared by the Minister of Finance,19a to my Government with the request for a reply at the earliest possible moment:

  • “1. Whether the Government of the United States is in these moments considering the possibility that long term credits might be granted to the American countries to acquire material destined for national defense?
  • 2. If in the affirmative: (a) Within what period of time is it believed that such credits could be placed at the disposition of the interested countries? (b) If Uruguay should immediately acquire such material, making use of a short term credit granted by the Export-Import [Page 1167] Bank, could Uruguay later close out this operation making use of a long term credit, in order not to diminish its dollar resources needed for the purchase of general merchandise imports from the United States?”

  1. Ante, p. 162.
  2. Alberto Guani, Uruguayan Minister for Foreign Affairs.
  3. César Charlone.