810.20 Defense/1812/10: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Dominican Republic (Hinkle)
62. From the Under Secretary. Your 85, May 31, noon. Lt. Col. N. Randolph, U. S. Army, and Colonel P. A. del Valle, U. S. M. C, have been designated respectively by the War and Navy Departments to undertake the proposed conversations in Ciudad Trujillo with the Dominican authorities. The date of their arrival in Ciudad Trujillo is not yet fixed as they will go first to Habana, arriving there June 7, and then to Port-au-Prince, undertaking similar conversations with the Cuban and Haitian authorities. They will advise you through the Legation in Port-au-Prince of the date and hour of their arrival in Ciudad Trujillo. [Welles.]