The Secretary of State to the Paraguayan Chargé (Fehringer)
Sir: Reference is made to note no. D.45 of September 17, 1940 with regard to a program of further economic cooperation with Paraguay which was left at the Department by the Honorable Horacio A. Fernández prior to his departure for Paraguay.
The Department is now very actively considering the various projects in which the Paraguayan Government is interested but is handicapped by lack of detailed information in regard to some of the projects proposed. In order that the Department’s investigations may be as complete as possible it would be most helpful if the Paraguayan Government would designate Mr. Eric C. Lamb, who is now acting as Financial Adviser to the Bank of the Republic of Paraguay, to prepare for the Department’s use and for its discussions with other interested agencies of this Government, a more detailed memorandum regarding the economic desirability and the probable cost of the specific projects mentioned in the Minister’s note under reference.
It would therefore be appreciated if you would communicate with your Government informing it of the Department’s hope that it will permit Mr. Lamb to make an investigation of this nature for use in the consideration of these problems.
Accept [etc.]