810.20 Defense/819/12a
The Ambassador in Cuba (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 5.]
Sir: I have the honor to refer to previous despatches, and particularly to my last despatch No. 715, of August 30, 1940,40 on the conversations with the Cuban Government with respect to cooperation in matters of defense.
I am happy to be able to report that after the preliminary conversation reported in my despatch No. 715, it was arranged for the appropriate officials of the Cuban army and navy to meet with Colonel Harris and Commander King on Saturday, August 31. The conversations continued between them, and Commander King and Colonel Harris have called this morning to leave with me copies of the joint recommendations which have been made by the officials of the Cuban Government and themselves. Copies of the recommendations in English and Spanish are being furnished to the Cuban Government by the officials of the Cuban army and navy who participated in the conversations. Copies of the recommendations in English and Spanish are being delivered to the army and navy in Washington by Colonel Harris who is leaving for Washington today.
For the information of the Embassy Colonel Harris and Commander King have left with us copies of the recommendations in English and in Spanish for our confidential files. Colonel Harris states that a copy of their recommendations will be furnished to the Department of State41 through the Army and Navy Departments in Washington.
It is my opinion that Commander King and Colonel Harris have carried through their mission here in a tactful and effective and very satisfactory manner. The recommendations to which they have agreed in my opinion are sound. The appropriate officials of the Cuban army and navy have now agreed in writing that our Government shall have full use of Cuban territory not only in the defense of the United States and Cuba, but of the other American Republics. As the Cuban Government had already agreed in principle to such use, there is no reason to believe that the Cuban Government will not ratify this agreement in writing of the head of the Cuban Army and Cuban Navy.
The one observation I would make is that any measures of cooperation in defense which involve expenditure of funds by our Government [Page 100] should be carried through in such a way that there may be adequate and appropriate controls, so that any funds which may be allocated for this purpose will be used only for the purpose intended.
It has been a pleasure to cooperate with Commander King and Colonel Harris in their mission here, and I believe they are to be commended for the manner in which they carried it through.
Respectfully yours,