893.111/451: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:15 a.m.]
Reference Chungking’s telegram of February 15, 11 a.m., to Peiping in regard to restrictions on travel of foreign nationals across Yellow River and flooded area in Honan.
In May and in August of this year the Embassy brought two applications of Americans desiring to cross the Yellow River near Cheng-chow, Honan, to the attention of the Foreign Office and requested that the applicants be granted facilities for travel via that route. However, [Page 896] the Foreign Office refused these requests on the alleged ground of military necessity and inability to grant adequate protection. The Chinese military authorities are still strictly and uniformly prohibiting the passage of foreign nationals via the various points within the closed line of the Yellow River and the flooded area in Honan. The foregoing information should be brought to the attention of American nationals who propose to travel via the Honan route into the unoccupied provinces.
Sent to Peiping, Tientsin, Chefoo, Tsingtao, Shanghai, Hankow. Repeated to Department. Tsingtao please mail to Tsinanfu. Shanghai please mail to Nanking.