Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1940, The Far East, Volume IV

Foreign Relations of the United States Diplomatic Papers, 1940, The Far East, Volume IV
- John G. Reid
- Ralph R. Goodwin
- Louis E. Gates
General Editor:
- G. Bernard Noble
- E. R. Perkins
- Gustave A. Nuremberger
United States Government Printing Office
- General: (Documents 1–1072)
- Relations of Japan with the Axis Powers and with the Soviet Union
- Southward Advance of Japanese expansionist movement: the Netherlands East Indies;
French Indochina; British Hong Kong and Burma; Thailand (Documents 1–301)
- Undeclared war between Japan and China: (Documents 302–1072)
- Political and military developments (Documents 302–503)
- Japanese interference with American treaty rights and with equality of
commercial opportunity in China (Documents 504–611)
- Consideration of sanctions against Japanese policies of aggression and
violation of treaty rights; enforcement of export-control system (Documents 612–664)
- Termination of the 1911 treaty of commerce and navigation between the
United States and Japan; discussion of situation in treatyless
period (Documents 665–677)
- Efforts by the United States to provide financial assistance and war
material for China (Documents 678–765)
- Efforts by the United States and other powers to protect Chinese
customs and other revenues, pledged as security for loans, from Japanese
encroachment (Documents 766–781)
- American interest in Japanese demands affecting the integrity of the
International Settlement at Shanghai (Documents 782–897)
- American interest in Japanese demands affecting the integrity of the
International Settlement of Kulangsu at Amoy (Documents 898–907)
- American interest in situation created by Japanese demands on the
British Concession at Tientsin (Documents 908–936)
- Measures taken by the United States for the protection of American
lives and property in China resulting from hostilities between Japan and
China (Documents 937–1019)
- Attitude of the Department of State regarding activities of the
American Radio Service at Tientsin (Documents 1020–1043)
- Repatriation of American citizens from the Far East (Documents 1044–1072)
- Political and military developments (Documents 302–503)
- China
- Japan: (Documents 1073–1106)
- Political developments in Japan (Documents 1073–1088)
- Notice by Japan of abrogation of the 1911 four-power convention on fur
seals in the North Pacific; Japanese proposals for new agreement (Documents 1089–1094)
- Renewal of agreement between the United States and Japan regarding export
of Japanese textiles to the Philippines (Documents 1095–1099)
- Trial by Japanese of American correspondent for reports derogatory to
Japanese army; refusal to allow American Embassy to communicate with
prisoner regarding case (Documents 1100–1106)
- Political developments in Japan (Documents 1073–1088)
- Thailand
- Index