611.3131/406: Telegram
The Chargé in Venezuela (Scott) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:45 p.m.]
44. Department’s telegram No. 31, May 2. Minister of Foreign Affairs is agreeable to continuing in effect the provisions of the modus vivendi without change in substance, however, for legal and procedural reasons he desires to incorporate the articles of the original agreement in the new notes to be exchanged, and suggests the following form:
“Excellency: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that I am authorized by my Government to confirm in the present note that, as a result of conversations with Your Excellency, it has been agreed to extend for the period of one year from the date of its expiration, or until the conclusion of a reciprocal trade agreement or treaty, or until denounced by one of the parties by 30 days advance written notice, the modus vivendi concluded between the United States of America and the United States of Venezuela on May 12, 1938, which is inserted below: ‘Article I. (here would follow the complete text of the 3 numbered articles of the modus vivendi)’.
Accept Excellency the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.”
Identic notes mutatis mutandis of this tenor would be exchanged.
Please telegraph if this form is acceptable.